General Information
Q: How to register DRAMeXchange membership?
Q: How can I place an advertisement on the DRAMeXchange website?
Q: When are the session hours in my local time?
Q: Search tips within DRAMeXchange.com
Member Center
Q: Forgot password or login ID?
Q: How to activate account?
Q: How to resend E-mail confirmation?
Q: How to modify personal information?
Q: How to subscribe/unsubscribe DRAMeXchange newsletter?
Market Research Service (Market Intelligence Service)
Membership inquiry
Q: What kind of Market Research Service does DRAMeXchange provide?
Q: How to purchase DRAMeXchange Market Research Service?
Q: How to renew DRAMeXchange Market Research membership?
DXI (DRAMeXchange Index)
Q: DXI Purpose
Q: Understanding the stock price changes through the DXI index
Q: 3 Composition of the DXI
Q: Calculation Base Period
Price Information
Spot Price
Q: What is the definition of Spot Price?
Q: What is the Methodology of DRAMeXchange to update Spot Price?
Q: How often does DRAMeXchange update the Spot price?
Q: How to identify the High, Low, Avg. of Spot price?
Q: What Spot price item does DRAMeXchange provide?
Q: How to download Historical Price?
Contract Price
Q: What is the definition of Contract Price?
Q: What is the Methodology of DRAMeXchange to update Contract Price?
Q: How often does DRAMeXchange update the Contract price?
Q: How to identify the High, Low, Avg. of Contract price?
Q: What Contract Price item does DRAMeXchange provide?
Q: How to download Historical Price?
NAND Flash
Memory Card
General Information
Q : How to register DRAMeXchange membership?
A : Please click HERE to visit the registration website.
Q : How can I place an advertisement on the DRAMeXchange website?
A : DRAMeXchange has attracted more than 100,000 members including top DRAM makers, PC peripheral producers and leading securities, financial consulting firms.
Do you want to advertise your product or promote your company's service to the worldwide key players in memory industry? Please click HERE to understand how to advertise with us!
Q : When are the session hours in my local time?
Schedule for Spot Price Sessions in local time |
Region |
Cities |
General Open Session |
General Middle Session |
General Close Session |
Asia Pacific |
Mumbai, New Delhi (GMT+5:30) |
8:30 AM |
12:00 PM |
3:30 PM |
Jakarta, Bangkok (GMT+7)
10:00 AM |
1:30 PM |
5:00 PM |
Manila, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taipei, Shanghai, Beijing (GMT+8) |
11:00 AM |
2:30 PM |
6:00 PM |
Tokyo, Seoul (GMT+9) |
12:00 PMM |
3:30 PM |
7:00 PM |
Melbourne, Sydney (GMT+11) |
2:00 PM |
5:30 PM |
9:00 PM |
North America |
Miami, New York, Washington DC, Toronto, Montreal (GMT-5) |
(-Day) 10:00 PM |
1:30 AM |
5:00 AM |
San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Vancouver (GMT-8) |
(-Day) 6:00 PM |
(-Day) 10:30 PM |
2:00 AM |
South America |
Rio de Janeiro (GMT-3) |
12:00 AM |
3:30 AM |
7:00 AM |
Europe |
London, Dublin, Lisbon (GMT) |
3:00 AM |
6:30 AM |
10:00 AM |
Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Zürich, Paris, Rome, Warsaw (GMT+1) |
4:00 AM |
7:30 AM |
11:00 AM |
Istanbul, Cairo, Jordan (GMT+2)
5:00 AM |
8:30 AM |
12:00 Noon |
Middle East |
Riyadh, Iraq (GMT+3) |
7:00 AM |
10:30 AM |
2:00 PM |
Dubai, Moscow (GMT+4) |
Q :Search tips within DRAMeXchange.com
A : Doing a search within DRAMeXchange site is simple. Simply type one or more search terms into the search box and hit the "Go" key. You can search for pages that contain at least one of the words you type in. The scope of search results including the following sections within DRAMeXchange site: News, Weekly Research, SSD performance test, Forum and Research Report. Or please feel free to Contact us if any further questions.
Member Center
--for the questions below, you may easily find out the answers HERE. You may also Contact us if any further questions.
Q : Forgot password or login ID?
A : If you have already registered on DRAMeXchange's website and have forgotten your password, please go to HERE;if you have forgotten your ID, please go to HERE.
Q: How to activate account?
A : If you have already registered on DRAMeXchange's website and would like to activate your account, please try the following instruction:
After registered, members will receive an email from DRAMeXchange. This activation email will enclose an "activation link" which will activate your account. If the activation link in the email does not work, please copy and paste the code HERE.
Q : How to resend E-mail confirmation?
A : After registered, members will receive an confirmation E-mail from DRAMeXchange; if you do not receive this email, please click HERE to resend.
Q: How to modify personal information?
A : Please login to DRAMeXchange website, and click HERE to modify your personal information.
Q : How to subscribe/unsubscribe DRAMeXchange newsletter?
A : DRAMeXchange provides weekly newsletters to members. With promptly notice, members are able to grab the latest industry news. If you do not want to subscribe our newsletter, please click HERE to modify your status.
Market Research Service (Market Intelligence Service)
Membership inquiry
Q: What kind of Market Research Service does DRAMeXchange provide?
A :
DRAMeXchange have several packages for industry professionals need.
If you would like to understand more, please visit
HERE, or
Contact Us.
Q: How to purchase DRAMeXchange Market Research Service?
A : Please Contact Us to purchase market research service, our customer service team will reply you shortly.
Q: How to renew DRAMeXchange Market Research membership?
A : Please Contact Us to renew your membership, our customer service team will reply you shortly.
DXI (DRAMeXchange Index)
Q: DXI Purpose
A : The main purpose of the DXI index is to provide users with an easy to understand graphical representation of the DRAM industries market trend. The index is calculated by multiplying the mainstream DRAM chips with their respective spot price. The calculation is performed under a logical framework, providing users with a powerful tool in gaining a detailed insight of the market performance.
Q: Understanding the stock price changes through the DXI index
A : The DXI index not only reflects the output value of the DRAM industry, it also depicts the stock price changes of DRAM makers. According to statistical data compiled by DRAMeXchange on the stock price of relevant DRAM makers, such as Samsung, SK hynix, Micron, Nanya, Winbond...etc., a strong correlation is seen with the spot price. Therefore, the index provides users with an accurate account of the highly volatile memory business.
Q: Composition of the DXI
A : The DXI is a DRAM output value index, used to assist relevant DRAM specialists, analysts and fund managers to track the DRAM price and output trend. DRAMeXchange makes use of two important criteria in selecting the chips. First, the spot price of related chips must always be able to be maintained by DRAMeXchange. Second, the selected chips must reach our benchmark, and contribute over 60%-70% of the chosen DRAM makers output. Once the selected chips fail to meet the criteria, DRAMeXchange will renew its DXI calculation base.
Listed are the chips that comprise the DXI index for Sep. 2023 |
Type |
Density |
Organization |
DDR3 |
2Gb |
256M×8 |
4Gb |
512M×8 |
DDR4 |
4Gb |
512M×8 |
8Gb |
1G×8 |
16Gb |
2G×8 |
DDR5 |
16Gb |
2G×8 |
1.4 Calculation Base Period
A : DRAMeXchange collects the output data on a monthly basis. The August data is arbitrarily chosen to represent the output for Oct 1st. It is multiplied with the October chip price to serve as the calculation base period.
Price Information
Spot Price
Q: What is the definition of Spot Price?
A : Major spot market buyers and sellers are DRAM vendors, OEMs and system integrators (SI), channel distributors, module makers and brokers. Module makers' monthly revenues are about $5M to $300M. We cannot disclose detailed of company information due to protect the privacy of our clients.
The spot price is more like an indication of supply and demand in the spot market. When the supply is insufficient, the spot price is normally higher than the contract price, vise versa, the spot price will be lower than the contract price when the selling side is aggressively to move their overstocks/excess inventories even under their costs.
Q : What is the Methodology of DRAMeXchange to update Spot Price?
A : Currently, DRAM manufacturers' monthly production volume is around 7000M(2Gb Equiv.), of which, about 5%-10% (350M-700M, 2Gb Equiv.) is supplied to the spot market which are mainly module makers, such as Kingston, ADATA, Tigo…etc; large-scale module makers deal with DRAM vendors directly in their price negotiations and product supplies. Due to necessary adjustments, a part of the process will be done through brokers, agents, distributors, forming a secondary market. Therefore, quotes from DRAMeXchange are mainly "secondary market"; prices will either be higher or lower than the direct quotes, depending on market conditions at the time. Particles of special chips will not be included in the sampling pool.
The complex transaction network and exchange volumes involved in thousands of trading companies in the USA, Europe, and Asia makes it even more completed to make the estimates.
Also, with the efforts of DRAMeXchange's B2B department, spot price quotes for mainstream chips are based primarily on market transaction price; however, for spot price quotes for a small number of non-mainstream chips and the trading volume are usually small, we may use Bid/Ask prices as a reference in addition to market transaction price.
Q : How often does DRAMeXchange update the Spot price?
A : DRAMeXchange updates the spot price three times a day (please see chart below for details). As our Silver and above level members, you may check the price 10-20mins prior than other free members. Please click HERE to understand more.
Member Levels |
Silver + |
General |
Opening Session |
10:50 |
11:00 |
Middle Session |
14:20 |
14:40 |
Closing Session |
17:50 |
18:10 |
Q: How to identify the High, Low, Avg. of Spot price?
A :
Daily High: The highest price within the same day
Daily Low: The lowest price within the same day
Session High: The highest price within the same session
Session Low: The lowest price within the same session
Session Average: The average of all the prices within the same session
Session Change= (X-Y) / Y x 100%. X: the item's latest Avg. price. Y: the item's Avg. price for the previous day
Weekly High: the highest price available within 7 days (weekend included).
Weekly Low: the lowest prices available within 7 days (weekend included).
Q : What Spot price item does DRAMeXchange provide?
A : Spot Price items provide by DRAMeXchange (update: Jul. 2022)
Please click HERE for latest item list.
DRAM Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
DDR4 16Gb (1Gx16)3200 |
DDR3 4Gb 512Mx8 1600/1866 |
DDR4 16Gb (2Gx8)3200 |
DDR3 4Gb 512Mx8 eTT |
DDR4 16Gb (2Gx8) 2666 |
DDR3 4Gb 256Mx16 1600/1866 |
DDR4 16Gb (2Gx8) eTT |
DDR3 2Gb 256Mx8 1600/1866 |
DDR4 8Gb (1Gx8) 3200 |
DDR3 2Gb 256Mx8 eTT |
DDR4 8Gb (1Gx8) 2666 |
DDR3 2Gb 128Mx16 1600/1866 |
DDR4 8Gb (512Mx16) 3200 |
DDR4 8Gb (512Mx16) 2666 |
DDR4 8Gb (1Gx8) eTT |
DDR4 4Gb (512Mx8) 2400/2666 |
DDR4 4Gb (256Mx16) 2400/2666 |
DDR4 4Gb 512Mx8 eTT |
Module Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
DDR5 UDIMM 16GB 4800 |
DDR4 UDIMM 32GB 3200 |
DDR4 SODIMM 32GB 3200 |
DDR5 UDIMM 8GB 4800 |
DDR4 UDIMM 16GB 3200 |
DDR4 SODIMM 16GB 3200 |
DDR5 SODIMM 16GB 4800 |
DDR4 UDIMM 8GB 3200 |
DDR4 SODIMM 8GB 3200 |
DDR5 SODIMM 8GB 4800 |
DDR4 UDIMM 32GB 2666 |
DDR4 SODIMM 32GB 2666 |
DDR4 RDIMM 64GB 3200 |
DDR4 UDIMM 16GB 2666 |
DDR4 SODIMM 16GB 2666 |
DDR4 RDIMM 32GB 3200 |
DDR4 UDIMM 8GB 2666 |
DDR4 SODIMM 8GB 2666 |
DDR4 RDIMM 16GB 3200 |
NAND Flash Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
SLC 16Gb 2GBx8 |
MLC 256Gb 32GBx8 |
3D TLC 1Tb |
SLC 8Gb 1GBx8 |
MLC 128Gb 16GBx8 |
3D TLC 512Gb |
SLC 4Gb 512MBx8 |
MLC 64Gb 8GBx8 |
3D TLC 256Gb |
SLC 2Gb 256MBx8 |
MLC 32Gb 4GBx8 |
SLC 1Gb 128MBx8 |
GDDR Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
GDDR5 8Gb |
GDDR6 16Gb |
GDDR6 8Gb |
LPDDR Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
LPDDR 3 32GB |
LPDDR 4 32GB |
LPDDR 3 16GB |
LPDDR 4 16GB |
Wafer Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
512Gb TLC |
256Gb TLC |
128Gb TLC |
eMMC Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
eMMC 128GB |
eMMC 16GB |
eMMC 64GB |
eMMC 8GB |
eMMC 32GB |
eMMC 4GB |
Memory Card Spot Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
MicroSD 256GB U1/U3 |
MicroSD 128GB Ink die |
MicroSD 128GB U1/U3 |
MicroSD 64GB Ink die |
MicroSD 64GB C10/U1/U3 |
MicroSD 32GB Ink die |
MicroSD 32GB C10/U1/U3 |
MicroSD 16GB Ink die |
MicroSD 16GB C10/U1 |
MicroSD 8GB Ink die |
MicroSD 8GB C6/C10 |
MicroSD 4GB Ink die |
MicroSD 4GB C6/C10 |
MicroSD 2GB Ink die |
Q: How to download Historical Price?
A : DRAMeXchange Silver and above level members have authority to download historical price within 5 years. Please visit HERE. to download the price.
Contract Price
Q: What is the definition of Contract Price?
A : The current contract prices are settled prices agreed between buyers and sellers for a specific amount of shipment over a specific future timeframe. Most industry players set their contract price within a ranging from two weeks to a month. Contract prices we gathered exclude special deals that sellers negotiated with a limited group of strategic customer, or special agreement between buyers and sellers.
Buyers and sellers in different industries:
Industry |
Buyer |
Seller |
DRAM manufacturers |
NAND Flash |
USB, Memory card markers |
NAND Flash manufacturers |
Mobile DRAM |
Mobile device brands, vendors, agents |
Mobile DRAM manufacturers |
eMMC |
Mobile device brands, vendors, agents |
eMMC manufacturers |
Q: What is the Methodology of DRAMeXchange to update Contract Price?
A : DRAMeXchange conducts our estimate and assessment of current price via direct or indirect survey with associated companies, including manufacturers, distributors, agencies, OEMs, memory card markers…etc. With their outlook over the price trend, and our observation and verification on the market, DRAMeXchange provide a range for the contract price.
Q: How often does DRAMeXchange update the Contract price?
A : As the negotiation period and quote announcement is slightly different between each major vendor, DRAMeXchange in principle publishes the DRAM and NAND Flash current contract prices once a month, and announces the Mobile DRAM and eMMC/UFS contract price quarterly.
Q : How to identify the High, Low, Avg. of Contract price?
A :
High - The highest of the prices.
Low - The lowest of the prices.
Average - The average of all prices.
Change= (X-Y) / Y x 100%. X= the item's latest price. Y= the item's price for the previous issue
Q: What Contract Price item does DRAMeXchange provide?
A : Contract Price items provide by DRAMeXchange (update: Jul. 2022)
Please click HERE for latest item list.
DRAM Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
Commodity DRAM |
Specialty DRAM |
DDR4 8Gb 512Mx16 |
DDR4 4Gb 256Mx16 |
DDR3 4Gb 256Mx16 |
DDR3 2Gb 128Mx16 |
DDR3 1Gb 64Mx16 |
DDR2 1Gb 64Mx16 |
DDR2 512Mb 32Mx16 |
DDR5 16Gb 2Gx8 |
DDR4 16Gb 2Gx8 |
DDR4 8Gb 1Gx8 |
NAND Flash Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
NAND 128Gb 16Gx8 MLC |
NAND 32Gb 4Gx8 SLC |
NAND 64Gb 8Gx8 MLC |
NAND 16Gb 2Gx8 SLC |
NAND 32Gb 4Gx8 MLC |
NAND 8Gb 1024Mx8 SLC |
NAND 4Gb 512Mx8 SLC |
NAND 2Gb 256Mx8 SLC |
NAND 1Gb 128Mx8 SLC |
Mobile DRAM Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
uMCP LPDDR4X 256GB+64Gb |
eMCP LPDDR4X 64GB+48Gb |
uMCP LPDDR4X 128GB+64Gb |
eMCP LPDDR4X 64GB+32Gb |
uMCP LPDDR4X 128GB+48Gb |
eMCP LPDDR4X 32GB+24Gb |
uMCP LPDDR4X 128GB+32Gb |
eMCP LPDDR3 32GB+16Gb |
eMMC Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
UFS 32GB |
UFS 64GB |
UFS 128GB |
eMMC 128GB TLC |
UFS 256GB |
UFS 512GB |
eMMC 128GB MLC |
PC-Client OEM SSD Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
1TB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Premium Grade |
512GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Premium Grade |
256GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Premium Grade |
512GB-2.5"inch TLC SATA |
1TB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade |
256GB-2.5"inch TLC SATA |
512GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade |
128GB-2.5"inch TLC SATA |
256GB-mSATA/M.2 TLC PCIe-Value Grade |
1TB-mSATA/M.2 QLC PCIe-Value Grade |
512GB-mSATA/M.2 QLC PCIe-Value Grade |
NAND Flash Wafer Contract Price, Please click HERE for latest item list |
MLC 128Gb |
TLC 512Gb |
QLC 1Tb |
MLC 64Gb |
TLC 256Gb |
TLC 128Gb |
Q : How to download Historical Price?
A : DRAMeXchange Silver and above level members have authority to download historical price within 5 years. Please visit HERE. to download the price.
DRAMeXchange Index, this index showing the DRAM output value changes, which is comprised of the output and price variations.
NAND Flash Wafer
We mentioned in our reports are finished memory wafers that have rolled off frontend manufacturing lines in semiconductor fabs. They have yet to go through the backend manufacturing process (also known as IC testing and assembly) that will turn them into packaged dies or chips.
DRAM (please click HERE. to know more)
DRAM (Dynamic Random-access Memory) is a type of random-access memory that stores each bit of data in a separate capacitor with an integrated circuit. DRAM has varied types, such as FPM DRAM(Fast page mode DRAM), EDO DRAM(Extended data output), BEDO DRAM(Burst EDO DRAM), SDRAM(Synchronous DRAM), RDRAM(Rambus DRAM), DDR SDRAM(Double-data-rate SDRAM), DDR2 SDRAM(Double-data-rate 2 SDRAM), DDR3 SDRAM(Double-data-rate 3 SDRAM), DDR4 SDRAM(Double-data-rate 4 SDRAM)
Due to different areas of application, DRAM products are separated into different types:
PC DRAM, using on PC related products, such as Desktop, Notebook, Netbook, Ultrabook and some white brand tablet…etc
Mobile DRAM, using on Mobile devices, such as feature phone, smartphone and tablet…etc
Server DRAM, using on Server applications, such as workstations, servers…etc
Graphic DRAM, products are included DDR and GDDR, and are designed for graphics application
Consumer/Specialty DRAM, products are designed for consumer devices, such as TV, navigation devices, digital/video camera…etc
NAND Flash (please click HERE. to know more)
Flash memory is an electronic non-volatile computer storage device that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. There are two main types of flash memory, which are named after the NAND and NOR logic gates. NAND Flash is primarily used in main memory, memory cards, USB flash drives, SSD and similar products, for general storage and transfer of data. NAND Flash memory stores information in an array of memory cells made from floating-gate transistors, and generally has 5 types:
SLC(Single-Level Cell, 1 bit per cell);
MLC(Multi-Level Cell, 2 bit per cell);
TLC(Triple-Level Cell, 3 bit per cell);
QLC(Quad-Level Cell, 4 bit per cell);
PLC(Penta-Level Cell, 5 bit per cell)
Memory Card
Memory card or flash card is an electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information. They are commonly used in many electronic devices, such as digital cameras, mobile phones, MP3 players and video game consoles.
eMMC is an embedded non-volatile memory system, comprised of both NAND Flash and a NAND Flash controller on the same silicon die.
Solid-State Drive(SSD) is a data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data persistently. Most SSDs use NAND Flash memory to retains data without power, and compared with floppy disks or traditional electromechanical magnetic disks(such as HDDs), SSDs are typically less susceptible to physical shock, much quieter, have lower access time, and less latency.